Lc90le745u manualidades
Der Sharp LC-90LE745U ist ein Fernseher mit LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung, der mit seiner Bildschirmdiagonale von 90 Zoll derzeit das Um die Pixelstrukturen des LC-90LE745U nicht mehr zu sehen, sollten die Zuschauer einen Abstand von mindestens 6 Metern zum Fernseher einhalten. Sharp LC-60LE650U wall mounting bracket- Wall Mount World. Easy Replacement Remote Control Fit for Sharp. Sharp tv LC-42BD80U power supply DPS-226AP RDENCA334WJQZ. $35.00. 0 bids. $10.90 shipping. Ending Dec 2 at 4 Le 90LE745 est, en effet, un televiseur a retro-eclairage LED destine au grand public grace a son environnement connecte maison SmartCentral. Revetu en aluminium, le Sharp AQUOS LC 90LE745U pese environ 64Kg et mesure pres de 12cm d'epaisseur. Le televiseur a LED AQUOS LC-90LE745U fait partie d'une gamme a haut rendement offrant la capacite 3D. Ce modele de 90 po de grande classe (90 1/64 po en diagonale) avec des details biseautes en aluminium brosse comprend notre panneau retroeclairage *Rewards are issued to your online Dell Rewards Account (available via your My Account) typically within 30 business days after your order's ship date. Rewards expire in 90 days (except where prohibited by law). LC90LE745U. GTIN. товар 1 Remote Control For Sharp LC-50LE650U LC-60LE755U Smart 3D AQUOS LED HDTV TV 1 -Remote Control For Sharp LC-50LE650U LC-60LE755U Smart 3D AQUOS LED HDTV TV. LC-90LE657U is an LED Smart TV that delivers legendary AQUOS picture quality and unlimited content choices, seamless control, and instant connectivity through SmartCentral™. The AQUOS 1080p LED Display dazzles with advanced pixel structure for the most breathtaking HD images, an 8 million
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